Thursday, October 27, 2011

Quilt for Yosef

I have a tradition of making Christmas gifts for all my family members. As all you crafty people know, this can lead to some major stress when it's December 20th and you still have boatloads of gifts to make.

So, this year I decided to start earlier. In part, because I have learned from the past, but mostly because my cousins keep having/acquiring children, increasing the number of gifts I have to make.

This is a quilt for Yosef, my cousin's son, who will be 2ish around Christmas (Since he was adopted from Ethiopia, which does not use the Gregorian calender, there is some confusion as to exactly how old he is.) Which means that he is big enough to graduate from the little baby blanket I made for him last year, and get a twin-size quilt for when he moves into his big-kid bed.

The quilt measures about 66x86. The blocks are each 20x20, and the border around is 3 inches wide.

On the back, I just used black and white, with a strip pieced together from scraps of the colors.

To make this quilt, you need 3.5 yards each of black and white, plus 1/2 yd (or 2 fat quarters) each of 4 colors.

The blocks took less time than I expected piecing together, and because they are so big, it wasn't too difficult to get the corners to match up when I was sewing the front.  I like this block a lot, and I'm thinking of making some other project (maybe a pillow?) either with the scraps, or with something from my stash.

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